Thursday 2 June 2016


For many years now I have been using some amazing tools I received from The Way of the Heart™ courses. As I write and share my journey I will be speaking about what wisdom they add to my writing and life. They have become my best friend, inspiration and soul pilgrim, for they walk this journey with me. 
As a writer I know beginnings are very important.

This week thanks to some beautiful direction from my Way of the Heart ™ Life Mission III manual , I have been contemplating the sacredness of beginnings, beginning to write, coming back to a character whose story is expanding and evolving and entering back into the world of my book after an absence.

I asked myself how would I like to enter my writer’s sanctuary.
I found this process very comforting, as my writing this week has been more technical than storytelling.
Entering back into the story tellers realm was helped by some questions that came to me: 

What do I want to connect with when I sit down to write?
What do I want to bring to this moment?
Who am I in this moment?

These have been my inspiring companions this week.
What did I hear?

Begin with a longing and an intention to write with body, mind, heart and soul.
Allow the writing I have already done to inform me, to create a place for this character, 
this situation in the grand story.
Find their place in my heart and mind, “Ah there you are do you have more to say?
Engage with the character, the paragraph, the situation I am writing.
Begin to write, allow the words to pour out of my pen.

I have found that the more time I spend with the characters in my story and the story itself I begin the process of internalizing this new world, the story starts to live in me.
Where does this inspiration come from?
I believe in these moments when the story starts to come alive in me there is a relationship of three, the writer, the story and the Divine Creator.
This coming together begins a dialogue, one that comes from my body, mind, heart and soul interacting with the Divine moving through my writing.
What a dance, what an incredible dance.
When I enter the sanctuary of the write, it is as though all the writers and that which has been written is just waiting to inspire me. All the resonance, every moment that I have put into my writing, and every moment every writer has put into their writing is present for me to attuned to.
I close my eyes, breathe into my heart and in my mind’s eye I see words , paragraphs and pages, all of the elements of my stories floating around the room , around my sanctuary just waiting for me. Every time I sit down, I arrive in this moment to begin and they are there waiting for me and my pen.

Let the dance begin.

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”  ― William Wordsworth


The sacredness of writing and connecting to my inner writer allowed me to create way to enter each time I sit down to write. I love doing this. I also created a prayer to read and be with before I start writing. Something that inspires and reminds me why I write. 


Sharing the writers next steps:

I want to share a bit of fun with you. This week I will be sitting down with one of my characters and share a cup of tea. Let that character speak to me and tell me about life from their point of view. I am finding the antagonist the most challenging character and circumstance to write about. Maybe it will be him.
Thanks so much for sharing my journey with me.
May your writing be blessed with inspiration and dedication.



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