Friday 22 March 2019

Grand Adventure

Hello my friends. I have a grand exploration for you this week. How would you like to come and play with me in the fields of unlimited potential. As a writer we play in those fields all the time.
Where do all the creative stories come from?
How after eons of time could we still be creating unique and wondrous tales?
Well ..... come with me to my favourite place.
A place where all the words we could ever use and all the unlimited potential come together.

Once upon a time... in a world not so far away. There was a place of pure potential and in this place could be found words which became sentences which became great tales which were written with love and imagination. Words filled this world flying in the sky, perching on trees and floating as clouds. Waiting just waiting to become.... to become part of the greatest story ever told.
Places of pure potential have the power to effect change. The writer was holding this in her heart. She knew words, intention and potential were all coming together just waiting for someone to come to understand how powerful writing was. In this vast space of potential, pure potential - words could be the great catalyst to fire the emotion which ignited the heart and mind of the writer.
Surrounded by words the writer allowed herself to breathe in the pure potential. Finally here with an intention to use words to create, inspire, inform and weave a great adventure. The words floated all around her head as she watched, breathing, waiting for the one word which would become the one sentence of ignition. Breathing down deep into her heart she knew life would respond to who she was being in this moment. Heart and mind linked by intention to write - coming into flow with the deep desire to write...... and ...... boom an electrical signal goes out through the web of Life - the Fields and words becoming the great adventure are magnetically drawn to the writer, flow out of her pen. Putting pen to paper she allows the unfoldment of the story, the next chapter.
What if .... all unwritten stories exist in the Field 

as a collection of infinite possibilities!

The writer taking a breath watches the story as it emerges and takes time to think, feel and act in new ways. The words drawn to her offering her the highest story as she realizes this will mean letting go of the old overused words. These tired words floating away to be renewed and tell a different story another day.
She is amazed at this place of pure potential coming from her thoughts aligning with her feelings to create and reinvent. Laughing to herself,  writers never know what the next word will be that flows out of the tip of our pen. Surprise is a wonderful part of the creative potential. Coming into alignment with her passion she could bring her moments of flow to her pen and paper, write the story with joy and desire trusting the words that surround her. She breathed again, marvelling at how the pure potential was appearing to her as words moving in harmony, words just waiting their turn to tell the unfolding adventure she was writing. Words floating as if riding magic carpets. Laughing, she heard Harry Potter say: "I love Magic." Which led her into the next most important step. Thank-you - Gratitude.
Thank you to all the words who understood their power and potential.
Thank you for the surprise of the unknown which added beauty to a story.
Thank you to the pen which allowed the flow to flow.
Thanks to all the guidance from writers past, present and future for all times exist simultaneously and would be a tale for another chapter.
Thanks so much to my teachers in The Way of the Heart™ who helped me understand and work with Intention, Field Theory and the unlimited potential of all possibilities.
Thank you for the words which try to write the old stories over and over again, disempowering stories. You bring me awareness of the places I must bring unlimited potential to.
Thank You So Much
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. 
We are a way for the universe to know itself.” 

― Carl Sagan

Thursday 14 March 2019

New Beginnings

Dear Friends

The Journeyers Sanctuary has been calling me to start writing again. Time to write about the things I love:
           The Way of the Heart
           Writings that inspire me.
           Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work.
           Rocks, Stones & Crystals
           Making Orgonites
           Exploring the world as a storyteller and anything else my heart guides me to write about.

I invite you to join me, after all we are on this journey together and every now and then our paths will cross and we will sit and have a cup of tea together.

Hail and welcome

May the journey continue in mystery, joy and a sense of adventure.
Blessings and a hug Diane