Thursday 9 February 2017

The Temple

Once upon a time………….

This week I have a story for you. My week has been one of asking for help and receiving wondrous guidance. The story began to form as I was working in my Way of the Heart Feng Shui I manual. I was sitting with the wisdom offered to me this week around writing my book. It is a challenge for me to ask for help and because I did, the help I received from my teacher cleared the way for me to take a different and creative route with my book. I will share more as it unfolds. It is my gratitude that had the story dancing in my heart and mind.

So we start again…….
The ancient temple had sat on the top of Fangshi Mountain almost as long as the mountain has sat on the earth. At least it seemed so to the villagers who lived at the base of this sacred place. One particular villager had dreamed, explored and lived in the shadow of this legendary mountain and temple all her life. Stories and ancient myths were an everyday part of the lives of the villagers. She imagined mystical beings lived in the temple and had even seen then when she climbed to the top of Fangshi Mountain. She longed to talk to them, to live in the temple and study. She did not know how to ask and each time the courage welled up in her heart and she began to take a step towards, something got in the way. Something stopped her. Most of what stopped her was the thought she needed to know the answers to all the questions before she asked them. So she worked and meditate and went inside to listen, thinking if she worked hard and did all the right things she would be able to go to the top of the mountain one day and ask. Now….. there is some wisdom in her plan and a slight flaw.
Doing the work and clearing the way for wisdom is an honourable and valuable endeavour.
The slight flaw is: what was she listening to inside? What that voice telling her? Was it helping or was it holding her back?

One night she had a dream:
She sat on the top of the mountain is a beautiful ginkgo grove watching the cloud patterns change as the sun heated up the morning air. Looking around she noticed an ancient Buddha sitting under one of the trees. She jumped when he blinked as she thought it was a statue. He gestured to her to come over and sit beside him. Hesitating at first, his smile and invitation helped her heart encourage as step towards, and another step and another. Pretty soon she was sitting under the tree with the kindest Buddha she had ever met. (The only Buddha).
“You like our Mountain I see.” the ancient fellow smiled at her. “Yes, I like it too. What brings you here?” he asked. She could hear the warmth in his voice and feel the heart in his interest in her.
I want………..
I would like to ………..
I have dreamed of ……….
Do you think I could ……..
She could not seem to finish the sentences and with each unfinished sentence it was as if he was fading and she felt her heart sink. “Don’t go please!” her heart cried. “Let your heart finish the sentence.” she heard in her mind.
“Do you think….. I could come study here? There is was she had said it. She closed her eyes and breathed. A gentle touch on her hand and she opened her eyes. The ancient Buddha was smiling and his eyes twinkled. “Yes, if you really want to come and study here, then you shall. All you had to do was ask.” She woke with the wisdom repeating in her mind and heart. “All you have to do is ask.”

That was the day she walked to the bottom of Fengshi Mountain and found the path to the temple and started to climb, knowing in her heart the Gingko grove and the wise Buddha were waiting for her.

The End

I felt so much gratitude this week for taking the step and asking and for the gifts of his wisdom, fun and deep listening my teacher gave to me in our session. Living my life and writing a book have many things in common as I am finding our more and more. For instance: I may need to
ask for help and help is just waiting for me to ask on many levels.
Thank you Feng Shui and thank you “The Way of the Heart™”.