Thursday 30 June 2016

Tools to help ourselves and our clients


Remembering to breath.
Have you noticed your breath during your day. 
I am becoming more aware of my breathing. When I stop breathing and how my body feels at those moments.

Dr. Andrew Weil says the following about Breathing Exercises.

Breathing exercises are a wonderful way to reduce anxiety, agitation and stress, while promoting relaxation, calm and inner peace. It may take some practice - and requires some commitment on your part to achieve results. However, the long-term benefits are well worth the effort - a calm and relaxed body and mind are less prone to health issues.

The reason I thought I would write about this today is I have found I often can get too busy to stop and breath never mind smell the 
Roses. That works for a while and I also notice it really does not help my commitment to my body and my intention. 
This morning I remembered an IPhone App I purchased and just did 7 minutes of breathing to this app.
It was fantastic. 
So if you have an intention to bring awareness to your breath this just might help.
This app is a bit pricey, and I find it worth it. Going to breath now

Happy Breathing my friends.

Breathing Zone - Relaxing Breathing Exercises by Breathing Zone


Sunday 26 June 2016

Mystical Merlyn and the Dreamers Dream


So finally they are all gone. 

    Now I can wander and check out all the nooks and crannies.

            I know this is just a dream I don't think she does though.

                     I can feel the unfoldment of her dream. 

Well let's see what I can get into. The brown cat wandered down the long hallway. Feeling the curiosity and wonder in his wandering. All this space so much unknown. After all I am Merlyn the great mystical cat he sang as he stepped into the open door. Tables many tables he jumped and walked across from one to the other; the dripping Tap caught his attention. Stopping for a drink he looked out into the forest. Taking in his new world watching for any movement, time to go many more adventures await.

The inviting hallway led into a spectacular room, books and art. 

  You don't think cats would notice things like that well guess again. 

     This cat does.

The leather chair in the corner sends out an invitation. Adventures await. Sitting on the leather chair watching, watching the words float in the air around him as many books wanted to tell him a story, their story. 

He picks one the alchemist turning cat cookies into gold. Now who's dream is this really his whiskered face smiles. Cats do have a sense of humour you know. Standing turning around he settles down to see where the next dream will take him trusting and waiting for the dreamer of the dream to realize she is dreaming and he then can go home. 

Now wait a moment I could dream I am home. I wonder how that would affect her dream? Maybe she will dream she's dreaming this dream while I settled into my place on the couch in her office to wait. The little brown cat drifted off to sleep as the dreamer woke. She wandered into her office smiling at the crafty cat on the couch whiskers and paws fluttering in the dream.

What do cats dream of? 

         Are they chasing mice ? 

                  Are they running in the forest of their imagination? 

                          Do they have an imagination? 

                                So many questions. 

                  Well I think a cat with a name like Merlyn does.

Thanks from Merlyn and the storyteller.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Learning and Sharing

Sharing the Hypnotherapy Journey

This weekend was our counselling hypnotherapy class. A group of dedicated people coming together to learn, share, explore, try out and inspire each other. My favourite mode of expression is through stories and metaphors. There are so many creative ways to work with hypnotherapy and although I love many of them stories make make my heart sing.

I am teaching Counselling hypnotherapy and that of course means counselling. So this weekend we really explored Counselling; creating a space for the client to move at their own speed, to find safety within themselves and the therapeutic relationship to open just a little wider, just a little deeper. We explored ways to stay with the client, not moving too far ahead so we loose rappore . Staying in the moment without an agenda, expectation and of course judgement.

Is truly is an honour to be called the teacher because I am learning as well. I am learning to speak and share about a process that is unique with each client. I am learning to speak about the subtle nuances knowing it will make more sense as each of the students sits with a client and experiences the realization they will need to listen more deeply, notice the subtle cues, hear what the client is telling them even when the client cannot tell them, cannot say. 

I love to watch the light switch on when a student get it, experiences what I stumble sometimes to explain. Each person is unique and my challenge is to support each students uniqueness and how they will be a counselling hypnotherapist. Not my way, their own unique way. So they are kind when I endeavoured to explain, talk about and share the foundational aspects of counselling, the aspects they need to know and will still take and do uniquely their own way. 

This weekend we explored working with a client who could not talk about what had brought her to Counselling, could not share. Safety was needed for this client on so many levels before she could trust. We talked about how to create the safety directly and indirectly. What it might be like working with this imaginary yet real person. What would I as the counsellor need to be aware of, need to hold within myself to work with, honour and walk closely beside this client. It was amazing discussion.

Then we created a hypnosis session for this client. Each of us wrote something about how we would approach a first session, a hypnotherapy session.

This is where my heart was deeply touched this weekend. I know that I cannot create a hypnotherapy session for clients unless I have deeply listen to what my client needs and is asking for. The more I know about my client te easier it will be to create something on the spot, spontaneously. Well I have to say this weekend I hung out with poets who deeply listened. Each one of us created a unique piece and it was caring, supportive, therapeutic and spoke indirectly enough for this client to possibly feel safe enough to hear and allow her unconscious to support her while her conscious mind took a little vacation. 
I wish I had marked down some of the language.
I am writing about the weekend because it was rich, challenging, joyful and I felt we all came together passionately dedicated to learn and experience

What an honour.

This is what I wrote for this client I hope you enjoy it.

Many years ago a legend was told of a place .... A place deep in the forest..... A sanctuary of safety....... One that sent out an invitation to those who needed ...... Needed that which was offered in the sanctuary...... In this place.....  Some people need to know they were safe and that it was safe to be in control of their life ..... That the choices they made in their life was there right to make .... Right to make until they chose to make another choice ....To know that the right to choose .....Their right to choose was their birthright ...... This sanctuary offered a refuge ....A place to sit.... To sit ..... And when one sat in the sanctuary in this place within..... Within the sanctuary in the forest ....In the circle of the trees they could sit and find a power..... A power and strength within...... Breathing the gift of the trees....Of the ancient strength .....the patience of these old friends..... breathing and connecting to mother Earth and her solid gift of knowing herself .....She really did know herself .... And offered it to anyone who rested there..... Breathing in deeply .......Breathing it into the place where it lived in her being.

Picture copywrite Diane Auld 2014

Monday 20 June 2016

Entering the Sanctuary of the Writer

As a writer I know beginnings are very important. This week thanks to some beautiful direction from my Life Mission III manual , I have been contemplating the sacredness of beginnings, beginning to write, coming back to a character whose story is expanding and evolving and entering back into the world of my book after an absence.


I asked myself how would I like to enter my writer’s sanctuary.

I found this process very comforting, as my writing this week has been more technical than storytelling.
Entering back into the story tellers realm was helped by some questions that came to me:

What do I want to connect with when I sit down to write?

What do I want to bring to this moment?

Who am I in this moment?

These have been my inspiring companions this week.

What did I hear?
Begin with a longing and an intention to write with body, mind, heart and soul.
Allow the writing I have already done to inform me, to create a place for this character, this situation in the grand story.
Find the place in my heart and mind where the characters, the evolving world lives, “Ah there you are do you have more to say?Engage with the character, the paragraph, the situation I am writing.Begin to write, allow the words to pour out of my pen.

I have found that the more time I spend with the characters in my story and the story themselves, they begin the process of internalizing, the story starts to live in me.

Where does this inspiration come from?
I believe in these moments when the story starts to come alive in me that there is a relationship of three, the writer, the story and the Divine Creator.
This coming together begins a dialogue, one that comes from my body, mind, heart and soul interacting with the Divine moving through my writing.
What a dance, what an incredible dance.
When I enter the sanctuary of the writer all of that is there, all the resonance, every moment that I have put into my writing, and every moment every writer has put into their writing is present for me to attuned to.
I close my eyes, breathe into my heart and in my mind’s eye I see words, paragraphs and pages, all of the elements of my stories floating around the room , around my sanctuary just waiting for me. Every time I sit down, I arrive in this moment to begin and they are there waiting for me and my pen.
Let the dance begin.

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” 

 ― William Wordsworth

My Week: Integrating my intention to write the stories that will become my book has really helped me keep the book alive in a week of commitments. My actions have been centred around creating an Entering Practice for when I sit down to write. I loved doing this. I created a prayer to read and be with before I start writing. Something that inspires and reminds me why I write. 
One action I have pending for this coming week is to sit with one of my characters and have tea. Let that character speak to me and tell me about life from their point of view. I am finding the antagonist the most challenging character and circumstance to write about. Maybe it will be him.

Thanks so much for sharing my journey with me.

May your writing be blessed with inspiration and dedication.

The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. 
The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.
– Ursula K. Le Guin


Wednesday 8 June 2016

The Green Room and the Tall Lady

A different kind of story. 

As a counsellor and hypnotherapist I have many people come to my office. I try to make it as inviting a place as I can. We are told it is our relationship with our clients that is most important. Yes, I agree and would like to add our office is very important as well. Have you ever changed something in your office? Did most of your clients notice right away? The story I have for you is one of closure. Not closure with my counsellor, but closure with her office. When she told me she was moving this story emerged as a way of saying good bye and thanks. 

The Green Room & The Tall Lady


If the little green room could write a story it would have many tales to tell. It likes its life, because for the last few years it has become the focal point of intense healing. Each day of the week it watches as its occupants work at looking inside themselves and trying to heal the pain of the past. When you are a room you don’t have issues to deal with, although you do become part of the process for others. As each hour flows into the next people enter your safe space and you get to engulf them in the security of your walls. 

The room is happy with the current owner, she is kind and compassionate. The room gets to see the pain she carries. When she is alone and has a moment to look inside herself, he watches as she puts a hand on her head and sighs, a sigh of sadness, an acknowledgment of how other people's pain touches her. He sees her strength also, a strength that comes from knowing the process works. 

He watches as she welcomes one person after another into this special space to explore the past and present. He watches as the relationship between the two of them deepens, enabling the visitor to look closer into the corners of their mind and feelings.  He marvels. When the door opens and the tall lady welcomes another guest no one really knows what will take place. The tall lady listens that is a given. The room listens also, and the guests talk. 

The room has friends: the green desk with its round carved edges. The Brown chest of drawers with the notched edges, the one the rock sits on. The rock was a gift from a visitor. The striped pillows - complicated pillows, nice to sit on, nice to hug, but, hard to hit. The little blue pillow in the plastic bag, I wonder why it lives in the plastic bag.  And the green wand with the sparkles. All these play different parts in the process becoming focal points for a wandering mind. 


So, what about the tall lady who has made the room her home away from home, and in a way her helper. She is fascinating. The room knows only a few more details about her than the visitors do. He knows only what he sees. She is beautiful and the beauty radiates from her soul, from her heart. There is an aloofness, but the room knows this comes more from necessity rather than desire.

You see the room does not feel the aloofness, for in her own way she is as open as a book, you just have to know how to read the book. The room sees her as an old friend. What does he know about her? She feels very deeply and she amazes the room with her deep capacity to be moved. Her tears are a reflection of her honesty. 

She is moved to tears by joy, sadness, injustice, and witnessing courage that inspires her. Her understanding comes from her own healing journey, experiencing the stories she has heard over the years and her innate wisdom. He wonders how she does it sometimes. 

He has observed how important her spiritual connection is to her. He feels she is surrounded by the spirit of the elk and that the wisdom of the Ancients keeps her connected to Mother Earth and to the Universe. 

She has never directly told him any of these things, instead she reveals herself in subtle, gentle ways, by just being herself and that is enough for him. 


Monday 6 June 2016

Journey to the Heart of Mother Nature

Journey to the Heart of Mother Nature

I wish this blog to be about the many things I love. I will be writing journeys and stories about the wisdom of the stones. These stories speak the language of the unconscious mind, just let yourself breath in the story and the language will speak to a part of you that understands metaphor. 
If you do not like caves this one starts off in a cave.

 Here is the first one.

We all choose stones for different reasons. It is often the qualities we wish the stone would invoke from within us, bring to us, help us remember within ourselves.
Allow yourself to take these journeys with the stones you love and know, and ones you wish to form a new relationship with. These stones and their stories will take you deep into their heart of wisdom, and will invoke in you an opening and a way to get to know yourself through the qualities that stones offer as a beautiful feast for and to the heart, the soul, the one that remembers all within you. 

Our first journey is to a deep wisdom place. 
Allow yourself to breath for a moment, attune to your heart or if you love stones,
 to the place within where that love lives. 
When you feel centered and quiet - slowly read the journey.

The storm raged outside filing the air with the kinetic energy of life and change....... She breathed the coolness, drawing it deeply into her being........ The storm receded and she opened her eyes. Standing at the cave entrance her eyes took in the blackness. Black as midnight 
shadows on moonlit water........  She waited for the storm to surge again as her mind wondered at this moment. Alone and not alone........  
The walls of the cave shimmered in the flickering light, iridescence touching aspects.......... Aspects within she was seeking to more deeply 
live into......... Time to release the past, to allow movement. She was determined to do whatever inner work was necessary to heal into the wholeness the watery oracle had shown her........  They called her magician. Sought her out for her gifts. I only seek power over myself she 
thought as she walked to the back of the cave.......... I only seek power over myself......... A table was covered with papers and old friends; 
rocks and stones who had chosen to be part of this journey. Journey with me now she softly whispered to a stone picking it up gently and 
holding it to her heart.  Journey with me now......... Closing her eyes she entered the sacred breath as the vision began. The forest trail unfolded before her. I love the smell of forest life her breath sang as she felt solid ground under each step.......... It called her......... the grove........ Stars shimmering through the tops of the trees as the branches open their hearts to her allowing her to move into the deepest part of forest. Breathe....... Breathe.....  she heard herself say coming out of the clearing her rock circle waiting patiently. My old friends ...... Dear old friends waiting 
........ As she sat against the deep blue stone her face turned up and the stars bathed..... Bathed her soul...... And it flew outward as she dropped 
even more deeply into the grounding of this sacred place.....  she walked the path of stars with the figure who joined her. Familiar and ancient the being smiled at her. It is time to see who you really are.......  to step into the vastness of your soul name. Your courage and wisdom take that into the heart of this unfoldment.........  let go what you no longer need. This is the place of done with that...... Done with that! The path lit up before her as she allowed......  Allowed the path to be her guide. No more she spoke to the old ways, old beliefs, no more........ How would those on earth see her, she wondered. As a comet with the old being burned up in the sun  as they walked the star trail...... they visited the distant stars leaving the old on stars of volcanic fire..... Leaving the old.... Leaving the old ..... Allowing herself to go deeper and deeper as the stars offered her opportunities to deeply unearth the walls. the holding back, the not good enough - no more her freeing heart cried, no more......... She felt a slowing........  as a star of crystal light offered her a resting place; a grounding into the newness of the space created within. Breathe she heard ......... breathe into the space and see who you really are. Dancing light filled her being, red, orange, golden yellow, Golden green, rosy pink and blues of many hues and she breathed each one in, knowing their voice was offering the way........ Offering her just what was needed in the moment...... Time to rest and allow the healing, the wholeness to inform you, the voice whispered. She opened her eyes to find herself back in the grove supported by the stone, the earth and her winged soul. A hand holding hers. Thank you she whispered. You are welcome. I am called Nuummite. She looked down at her hand and the deep black of the stone caught the beauty of the starlight. You are welcome. 

Picture taken from:
My favourite Greenland Stone Site.

Sunday 5 June 2016

Following the Threads

What to do when feeling stuck? Stuck might not quite be the right word. I’ve come to realize there is a difference between feeling stuck and actually being stuck.

 Did I get your attention?

Feeling stuck can be more of a judgment, a way to dismiss what my inner writer is actually doing. Feeling stuck dismisses all I am doing when I am not writing.
Being stuck might just be what I do when I don’t sit down to write. Hmmmm ….

As you may remember the antagonist and his world is my big challenge right now.
As you know I have been doing The Way of the Heart™ integrations each day around my intention to write the stories that will become my book. After one of my integrations I wrote the words Trust and Keep Connected. Trust the book is living within me and the integrations are helping me to understand myself more deeply. Trust that the actions coming out of the integrations are leading me in the direction of inspired  moments, of glimpses of the unknown.
 Have you noticed as a artist there is a great deal of unknown in the creative process?

This week two things happened. We had a Life Mission evening and I worked a few nights in my life mission III manual.
The Life mission evening was inspiring because during a moment of working with my intention I heard ” Just write the stories about the characters even if it’s not for the book. Get your inspiration from pictures, movies and good TV”. With that in mind the next night I was watching a TV show called the Rise of the Continents, this particular show was on Australia and when an aboriginal elder spoke about his special gifts, lights in my head went off, this is exactly what I need for my antagonist. I grabbed my notepaper backed up the video and listened to him speak about his gifts with such beauty and grace. The ideas started to come alive; here was a way I could bring my antagonist to life, these gifts would one day help others understand he was not evil, he was desperate.
The next night I decided to use a picture as a visual inspiration and write about it. The picture I was guided to was from my pilgrimage to England in 2014. The picture was of a solitary stone in the Avebury Henge in Wiltshire and is called the Adam stone. Staring at the picture and breathing deeply into my writers heart and mind there emerged a story that will add another piece to my book.
The solitary stone is the antagonist in my book, the stone began to tell a story, one that would give this character, his personality and add to his inner world.  I could not of guessed which picture I would’ve been led to. Studying Life Mission I remember my teachers talking about threads and how if I follow the threads of my life they will lead me where my intention is asking me to go. For me this process says trust what you are noticing and being offered because they’re leading you into the unknown in this moment, which may bring clarity in the next moment.
My intention to create the stories is alive and living in me. What if the events, things I notice, pictures, movies, TV shows, articles I read and music I listen to are all part of the bits of my life informing me and influencing the stories in my book. My teachers would call that Reading the Book of Life. Well, a picture I took almost 2 years ago in a sacred place called Averbury has influence the creation of a story and a character in an evolving book. By reading the book of my life and trusting my intention I have followed the threads to begin the story of an antagonist, who may turn out to be more.

What a journey.

 May the tapestry and weave of your life lead you to beautiful insights 
that inform your writing and creations.
Thanks for following the threads with me.
See you all soon.

Saturday 4 June 2016

A Healing Story for Courage and Bravery

Hello my friends today I thought I would share a story I wrote for a client. It is a script that could be 
used for anyone working on courage and bravery and understanding one's untapped abilities beyond fears.
As you know I love writing stories. Writing a story for a client comes from our work together 
and giving us both time to get to know each other. I never know what will emerge and am always 
surprised as it comes most of the time spontaneously.
I hope you enjoy this healing story.

The Hippo’s Grand Adventure
By Diane Auld © 2010
Once upon a time there was a huge hippopotamus who lived on the African savannah. She was large and grey and had small ears that flapped in the wind and a very very large mouth. Her days were busy with taking care of her children and the other hippos in her family group. She was a particularly brave and strong hippopotamus. When the tigers came into her part of the grasslands she would go right up to them and stamp her large feet, open her huge mouth and very clearly state “You get out of here, this is not your part of the grasslands and there is nothing for you here. If you do not leave right now I shall have to do something I do not want to do and that is stomp all over you, and believe you me I can and will do it.” She always ended her speech with an emphatic stomp of her large foot which made the ground shake and naturally made the tigers decide there was better food to eat in other parts of the savannah. All the animals in the savannah where thankful and amazed at how brave she was. She just saw it as the right thing to do, never even giving it another thought. One day she was bathing in her favourite river spot when a rat wandered up to the river to drink. As he drank he became aware of a commotion happening in the river. He looked up to see the Hippopotamus going from a lovely shade of gray to a washed out shade of ghostly greyish white. The longer he stood there the more ghostly the hippopotamus’s color became. The hippopotamus was frozen where she stood. Her whole body was filled with fear, she was terrified the rat would come towards her, she was terrified if she opened her huge mouth he would run right up into it. She could not move, she could not even make a sound to call someone to save her. She stood in the river bed for so long she started to sink into the mud. But as long as the rat stood there she could not move. Her fear screamed in her head and she could do nothing but stand there sinking. Finally the rat wandered into the grasslands leaving the hippopotamus alone. Slowly the hippopotamus became aware of her surroundings, slowly the fear in her head stopped screaming and she could focus on getting herself out of the mud. It took a while but she was so relieved the rat had left she did not care until she got to the edge of the river bank where the fear started again. “What if he was waiting for her? What if he jumped on her and ran into her mouth?  What if…….what if……. The hippopotamus could feel her feet freeze on the ground and her mind raced. She imagined him waiting for her in the grass. Just around the corner, any corner, every corner. She started to sweat, wondering how she was going to get home through the grass. Suddenly she heard a far off cry: “Tiger…..Tiger.” The hippo recognized her aunt’s voice and took off in the direction of the sound. Sure enough there he was a large ferocious tiger crouching in the tree waiting to pounce on his next hippo meal. He was hungry, big and mean. She walked up to the tree and opened her big mouth and said;” You get out of that tree right now and get out of my part of the savannah. If you do not get out right now I shall bang on that tree until you fall out and stomp on you with all my feet.” “You don’t scare me said the tiger. I will jump on you and eat you.” Fine” replied the Hippo you have had your one warning. I will turn you into a flat pancake if you do not leave right now. She walked towards the tree and was just going to bang against the tree when the tiger realizing how big she was jumped down and took off across the savannah for safer ground.
“That was quite amazing a voice said from the grass. How come you are not afraid of that tiger he has really big teeth and he looked really hungry?” I don’t know replied the hippo, I am afraid but I know I have to protect my family and friends and I just find it in me to be strong even when it is scary. I realize I am bigger than he is and that helps me to not let the fear take over.
“Wow”, the voice said “I wish I could be that strong.” When I get scared it makes me freeze and the fear in my head just screams. I get so scared nothing else exists. You must be very brave and wise to understand you are bigger than your fear when you feel afraid.”  The hippo looked very thoughtful for a moment and said. “I have to go now. You be safe.” “Oh I will be safe.” replied the voice. “Nice talking to you.” The hippo wandered off thinking about the tiger and about the rat at the river. The creature in the grass wandered out to watch the hippo disappear into the grass. Life is a funny thing he thought fear lives within as well as strength, when we connect with our strength our fear does not have so much room to take over. The wise old rat smiled at how much power the hippo had given him at the river. It felt good to give some of it back to the hippo.

Thursday 2 June 2016


For many years now I have been using some amazing tools I received from The Way of the Heart™ courses. As I write and share my journey I will be speaking about what wisdom they add to my writing and life. They have become my best friend, inspiration and soul pilgrim, for they walk this journey with me. 
As a writer I know beginnings are very important.

This week thanks to some beautiful direction from my Way of the Heart ™ Life Mission III manual , I have been contemplating the sacredness of beginnings, beginning to write, coming back to a character whose story is expanding and evolving and entering back into the world of my book after an absence.

I asked myself how would I like to enter my writer’s sanctuary.
I found this process very comforting, as my writing this week has been more technical than storytelling.
Entering back into the story tellers realm was helped by some questions that came to me: 

What do I want to connect with when I sit down to write?
What do I want to bring to this moment?
Who am I in this moment?

These have been my inspiring companions this week.
What did I hear?

Begin with a longing and an intention to write with body, mind, heart and soul.
Allow the writing I have already done to inform me, to create a place for this character, 
this situation in the grand story.
Find their place in my heart and mind, “Ah there you are do you have more to say?
Engage with the character, the paragraph, the situation I am writing.
Begin to write, allow the words to pour out of my pen.

I have found that the more time I spend with the characters in my story and the story itself I begin the process of internalizing this new world, the story starts to live in me.
Where does this inspiration come from?
I believe in these moments when the story starts to come alive in me there is a relationship of three, the writer, the story and the Divine Creator.
This coming together begins a dialogue, one that comes from my body, mind, heart and soul interacting with the Divine moving through my writing.
What a dance, what an incredible dance.
When I enter the sanctuary of the write, it is as though all the writers and that which has been written is just waiting to inspire me. All the resonance, every moment that I have put into my writing, and every moment every writer has put into their writing is present for me to attuned to.
I close my eyes, breathe into my heart and in my mind’s eye I see words , paragraphs and pages, all of the elements of my stories floating around the room , around my sanctuary just waiting for me. Every time I sit down, I arrive in this moment to begin and they are there waiting for me and my pen.

Let the dance begin.

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”  ― William Wordsworth


The sacredness of writing and connecting to my inner writer allowed me to create way to enter each time I sit down to write. I love doing this. I also created a prayer to read and be with before I start writing. Something that inspires and reminds me why I write. 


Sharing the writers next steps:

I want to share a bit of fun with you. This week I will be sitting down with one of my characters and share a cup of tea. Let that character speak to me and tell me about life from their point of view. I am finding the antagonist the most challenging character and circumstance to write about. Maybe it will be him.
Thanks so much for sharing my journey with me.
May your writing be blessed with inspiration and dedication.



Wednesday 1 June 2016

Pilgrimage of a Different Kind

Welcome to the Journeyers Sanctuary

A place to sit with a lovely cup of earl grey tea and walk the journey of life with me.

This is a new beginning to celebrate creativity and adventure.

My intention for this blog is to make what I love to do, what I long to do more important in my life.
I love to write.
This is my year to write the stories that will come together to create a book.
To allow those stories to be written from my imagination, from a place where the book has already been written, and by the characters within the stories themselves.

Is there a part of you that is longing to have the freedom to express, to write and to allow that expression to show you what you’re capable of?

That is why am writing this blog; come join me each week.

What will you find here? Well I’ll be writing about: Creativity, Mystery, Magic, Love and Passion. As well as Confusion, Not knowing, Feeling stuck and Distractions. 
Also - Hypnotherapy and Psychology, Travel and Sacred Sites, Rocks and Crystals, and finally all the wonderful tools I use to inspire, motivate and support the journey.

An exploration of this writer’s life. 
The life mission journey a writer has to take, for a writer must write and it is time for this writer to do so.

“There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they’ll take you.”  ― Beatrix Potter