Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Gift of the Dream

“Hello”, the dream started. “Hello”, I heard.

The night sky had not unfolded it hold on the blanket of darkness so I sat in the moment and waited. This was my dream and I wanted to see where it would take me.

Once upon a time in the heart of the One there was created a truth.
All legends and myths are grounded in reality. We will write the truth in the myths and legend’s of this world. The hearts of the beings who read, hear and are touched by the myths and legends will know. They will know.
The dream took me to moments of truth woven into the tapestry of myths and legends to be found by seekers of magic and miracles.
“Is it time yet?” I asked the night sky, “Maybe” came the reply. “You like the dark and the starlight, what are you looking for?” “You are right, I’m glad you know me. I do love the dark as it is a time of going inward for me and I can sit in the cave of the silence of winter. Something to look forward to and yet, Autumn, Autumn comes first though.
Maybe that is what I’m looking for, the color of the artist’s palette floating down to the earth. Red, yellow, orange and brown floating a soft dance down, down, down. Moving towards a quiet inward coming in good time. I am looking for me. The me who I so want to share with the world.”

Who am I the I you see?

“Do you know that I love magic and that which cannot be explained? Have I wanted you to know that enough to tell you with my words and actions? What would you say you know of me? That I open myself slowly to your invitation to come into your life. Yes, maybe. Maybe I just see me like that. How do you see me?
Will you know I give easily sometimes because it is easier to give than receive?
Yes I bet you do!

Who am I the I you see?

Well understanding how you see me helps me know what I am here for? What I have come to do?
My goodness what a strange question and exploration as I sit in the sparkling midnight so deeply touched by the words I have just read.

Everything is beautiful, and there are certain things I feel especially beautiful.
Beyond recognizing their beauty, those things call me
These particular things move me.
Is moving me another way of saying they motivate me?
If I think about loving something, someone, an activity, a place, what moves in me?
I could say as an artist or musician I am motivated Buy an arrangement colors, or the harmony of notes. A scientist is motivated by your beautiful elegant equation. I feel all that.
The beauty in all of these motivates me, and I also want to know how it works.
What makes it so, and why do I care?
I want to know the great sacred mystery. The sacred and the mystical motivates me.
I seem to have forgotten that lately. All my life, I thought that longing. I wanted to discover, 
now I would say remember, how the great sacred mystery works in our lives and why.

Daniel Goodenough
The Caravan of Remembering
A Roadmap For Experiencing The Awakening of Your Life’s Mission.

“I am the me I want me to know more and more deeply. The darkness began to tug the edges of the blanket. This is the beginning it said. Ask the questions. Dance with the words and your heart will help you to begin to more deeply know yourself. Then you will be known and sharing will be a giving and receiving.” The dream in the darkness gave way to the Heart Light, the dreamer slowly opened her eyes to find herself holding the book.
Thank you she heard her heart say.
Thank you for the magical, mystical, alchemical all lit up highest possibility Way.
The Way of The Heart™.
The Way of my Heart.

This weeks blog was a joy to write. My inspiration came from reading The Caravan of Remembering. My joy was how deeply the reading touched my imagination and allowed me to play with words in such a creative way as to deeply reveal parts of myself.

Have you ever been touched deeply in the most imaginal way?
The Caravan of Remembering touches my imagination, creativity and excitement.
If you are looking to be inspired, deepen your life mission search and connect with the sacred within, The Caravan of Remembering will help you find your way home to your heart.


Thursday 15 September 2016

Holding the Questions

Questions & Sweet Inspiration

A new character emerged in a journey I was taking this week. At the beginning of our Way of the Heart ™ Feng Shui I follow up class my teacher takes up on a magical journey inward. My intention for the class is the same as my intention for the blog.

To write the stories that will come together to create a book.
To allow those stories to be written from my imagination, from a place where the book has 
already been written, and by the characters within the stories themselves.

On this journey I was taken to one of the worlds in my book. A world who’s hero’s are struggling with what they are able and willing to do as well as not knowing what they can do. The scene I saw and felt in my mind and heart was so alive and real. I could feel this character’s deep longing for the leader of this world to step into his power, follow his heart and do what he knows to do. It was visceral for me. When I emerged I knew I had a new character and his personality and attributes started to fall into place. He is ancient and is part of the balance of this world. He has known this world since the beginning of time also known the leader since his birth.

There is something unique about this character, he sees into the depths of one’s skills and abilities and sees the outcomes of choices. The leader he watches stands at a crossroads. One choice moving him closer to what his heart knows will save this world, yet does not know how this will happen. The other choice motivated by fear, overwhelm and grief will result in a very different outcome.

The questions that came up for this writer are:

How do I convey in story the inward journey each character is taking?
The struggle from each character’s point of view?
Do I do it in small bits, allowing the inner anguish to be revealed in its own time?

I remember we never really knew the depth of the anguish Severus Snapes felt in Harry Potter until the very end of the last book.

I carried these questions around this week and was surprised and delighted when my Way of the Heart™ Feng Shui I manual offered me a piece of wisdom that added a new dimension to the world I am creating.

You who have the knowledge, what are you doing with it?

My focus had been on the leader and looking at the leader’s choices from the eyes of the ancient creature emerging from the dark underground.

You who have the knowledge, what are you doing with it?

Questions: What knowledge does he have?
What is his responsibility around having this knowledge?
Is it his to do something with?

This new and compelling creature has emerged at this time in my process and the world of my books process – what has he brought to us?

Do we not all have knowledge about something – what are we going to do with it?

To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle,
requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
Albert Einstein

What a journey I am walking. Reading the book of life through this “Way” and with the my amazing manuals is such a joy and alchemical mystery. Sometimes I end up with more questions than answers. I am truly beginning to understand when I ask questions, sleep on the question, and carry them in my Writer’s Heart; it will not take long before the being of my story & my book will have me bounding into my office for my journal to write some sweet inspiration down.

So….. I end this week’s blog with Gratitude and a question for you.

What questions are you carrying around in your heart?

See you all next week.
Thanks for walking the journey with me.

It is not that I am so smart, But that I stay with the question much longer.
Albert Einstein

Sunday 11 September 2016


When you read different books do you hear different voices? Is the voice you hear in your head different for each book you read?

What kind of voice do I want to have in my book?

Do the words we writers use carry a resonance of what we are wanting them to convey?

Resonance & Momentum & Magnetism – the energy behind, in, through and imbuing our stories.

The Mind is the writer’s landscape.
As a mountain scene might be an artist’s landscape.
A visual artist studies light, perspective, colour and space.
A writer studies memory, imagination, words, thoughts and feelings.
Natalie Goldberg – Wild Mind Living the Writer’s Life

This has been a week of reading other people’s stories to see what others are creating. In all the studies I have done on writing I keep hearing  – read – read – read.
I began to notice each book or story had a different voice. I could feel the energy in the words and the story had a flowing energy that seemed to be taking me somewhere.
I like to spend time with a book, to savour the images and feel what the character by way of the author is offering me. As I became aware of the unique voice of each storyteller and each story I wondered about resonance and the energy in each story.

Is there hope?

What keeps me walking the journey with this book I am reading and each page I turn?

As an author I wish to offer my readers a hope, a heart connection that will come out in my writing – that is my intention.

I took all my ponderings and questions to my Life Mission III™  Way of the Heart manual this week and was offered a piece of wisdom from John Fox a certified poetry therapist.

“It is not words about roses that makes sacred poetry.
Sacred poetry is made when the roseness that lives within a particular
rose speaks to us and we listen and we write.”

I am listening and writing. I listen to the guidance and creative wisdom offered each time I sit down to write. Each character, landscape and moment is speaking its own unique “roseness” to me.

Will you feel that in my writing? Can I be open enough to let you see me?
Is writing about a world different than mine also writing about my world?
How much of each character is actually an aspect of me?

The art of asking questions is a one of the most fascinating journey’s The Way of the Heart™  is helping me take and use more deeply in my life. As I ask these questions about writing and myself I feel excited to read. My reading becomes more of an exploration of the world between the lines of what I am reading. I take my questions to what I am reading and it becomes richer.

This has been a fun blog to write because it leaves me with more questions rising within me.
Thanks so much for journeying with me and allowing me to ponder, ask and hold the highest possibility that the answers will come in the most unique creative way.

I would like to leave you with something from a different author.
Maybe you could ask yourself at the end:

What am I feeling having just read this?
What is my heart saying?

“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. 
The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. 
For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and 
passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
The Return of the King


Wednesday 31 August 2016

Dancing With My Shadow

What makes a hero?

What holds your characters life together?

It is time to dance with your shadow, reclaim your denied selves and surrender to the journey.

Life Mission III ™ offered me a question today. What holds your characters life together? At first I wanted to say Love, Family, God, doing what she loves. I wonder if it is simpler than that. Could it be our choices that hold a characters life together, our life together? Our moment to moment choices.

This has been a challenging week for me. Some physical challenges and I have been watching how that affects my choices. I realized at one point my thoughts and what I was focusing on was not helping me. I watched how my thoughts and focus were me choosing to believe a story that was taking my power away. I also realized I could not make the feelings resulting from my choices  go away as much as I wanted them to.

So, what to do?

I brought out my Way of the Heart™ Shadow work and went inward to meet my Shadow. Found a part of myself  I would name my bully. A part that is quite used to bringing out the old rubber mallet when it suits her.  Working with her in a more conscious way helped me to bring that part of me out of the shadows and create a bit more space within. I also used some beautiful processes from The Way of the Heart™ Alchemical Healing class I just finished and noticed a bit more space. I was starting to find me in all the stuff running around in my head. I was actually finding my heart and beginning to realize there actually was an option to make a different choice and I could take it.

I share this because it is real and this week part of my work as a writer has been research and reading. One of my favourite Authors is Anne McCaffrey who writes some books that literally saved my life 20 years ago – the Dragonriders of Pern series. As I read some of her later works this week, books I have not read before I kept my experiences in my mind as well as my questions.

If I was reading my book of life why am I reading this book now?
What was Anne McCaffrey doing as a writer that is touching my feelings and keeping me reading?
What makes me like a character?
What frustrates me about a character?
What is she doing in her writing that keeps me reading?

The Characters Choices.

When I like, respect or am fascinated by a character what is it I like?  Respect? or am Fascinated with? Is the character like me or who I would like to be? If I don’t like a character does she remind me of someone or something in my life, or me?


Hero’s are characters who are willing to ask the deeper questions. Hero’s are characters who know they are following the right path even when someone questions them. 50 people would have a different definition of hero, so hero’s are who WE like in the moment. Who we resonate with.

I wonder if we are all hero’s.

Is a bully a hero? Better question – what makes a bully a hero?
I needed a hero this week.
The moment she makes a different choice.
Chooses to do something differently.
Maybe we’re not really hero’s until we understand there is a different choice to make and make it.

This strange and weird journey I am walking right now as I write and you read is really me following the threads to more deeply understand human nature – character development and of course myself.

If I look for the hero in my characters will that add a depth to them because I am trusting there really is a hero in the most confused, dark character and will eventually emerge?

I was being a bully this week and found a way to create some space for a different choice. All the characters within my personal story had to wait until I found a Way and the right moment to choose differently.                 

Fascinating !!!Did I choose differently because a part of me knew I eventually would?

Faith & Trust

Well I know one thing having amazing tools through The Way of the Heart™ gave me a place to go, to explore, go deeper within and be with the bully that was ruling for a while.

Thank you!

A few weeks ago I wrote about following the threads, this journey this week is certainly that.

As I write and tell you about my week, a part of me is sitting with the characters in my book seeing them fill out with depth and richness. Wondering what kind of tools they will have.

Thanks so much for following the threads this week with me. I am really learning that writing is about not knowing the answers all the time. Just create the characters Diane and we will see where that takes you.


Picture used with Permission from Amy Sophia Marashinsky
From “The Goddess Oracle – A Way to Wholeness Through The Goddess and Ritual
Illustrated by Hrana Janto

Saturday 13 August 2016

The Journey

Where do stories come from?
A question to write a story about!
Have you ever noticed stories sometimes start with Once upon a time?

Once upon a time in a land far far away and on another timeline a writer was walking towards… Walking and searching to find the place where stories come from.

Slowly making her way towards a distant structure gave her time to ponder what she was really searching for. “Stories come out of the imagination don’t they? Stories come out of the tip of my pen.” Her sense of humour  kicked in. “Lovely thought, sure looks it when I write.” She giggled as the structure began to fill the horizon.
“How do I know where I am going? What brought me in this direction?”

“You are a storyteller.” A voice spoke. “You are just following the threads.”

“Following the threads?”
Like a tapestry, each thread will become a part of the whole to create the pattern.
“Patterns emerging on the canvas of the book as each story is written.”

The conversation stopped as she stood in front of the vast structure.

Remember this journey started with a question!
Where do the stories come from?”

She took a deep breath. “It is my intention to find the answer.” She looked up to see the door slowly opening. “Stepping over the threshold is answering my hearts call.”

Yes, and you will be required to visit three rooms to find the answer you seek.
Her inner guidance led her to the room of support, guidance, Love and Friendship. An immediate feeling of being accompanied told her she would no longer be alone. Travelling with her friends to the room of wisdom and inner knowledge she entered the second room. Here she learned to sit in stillness and of the many wonderful wisdoms she really did know although she did not know how she knew them. She also knew she could wait for the answer to her question and answers would come to her. Mystery and Faith.

Finally her journey took her to the room of Blessings and Wealth. Bringing the gifts and helpful friends from the other rooms she sat and felt such gratitude in her heart.

Breathing deeply in the moment she felt herself shift to a new place within. Slowly opening her eyes she realized they were all there, right in front of her.

Stories: shelves and shelves of stories. 
Stories already written.
Stories waiting to be written.
Stories in the process of forming in the heart of the storyteller.
All accessible to every writer and storyteller.

“Reach out.” A voice said. “Think with your heart what you wish to write and the story will emerge.”
Movement caught her attention, the phoenix grace and wisdom dropped This story into her heart and mind. She understood the symbolic gift of its flight, bowed and thanked the bird.

Stories come from Love and walking the Journey.

Opening her eyes she found herself back at the desk in her writing room, knowing she would journey back to that wonderful structure to find other answers to the storytellers questions.

The End/The Beginning

My Week:
This story describes my week. It has been one of research and play.
Have you ever fallen in love with a book? I have. My Way of the Heart™ Feng Shui II manual is the book I go to, to seek answers, find myself or find the direction I need to go to, to find my answers. I truly love that manual. The story I wrote above is the journey I walked tonight doing a Feng Shui II Integration™. I truly feel blessed to have found The Way of the Heart™ and the vast storehouse of wisdom for me to journey in. Makes my little heart sing.

Maybe next week I shall tell you about my journey with J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Inklings a group of writers in Oxford England who included C.S Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien.

Thanks so much for walking with me.




Sunday 7 August 2016

Power and Balance

I have had a great time this week writing and understanding my character more deeply. There are two worlds in my book; one world of beings doing what they love, living life, seeking harmony through the gifts they bring, you might say a world of light. The other world is a darker one, filled with beings doing what they love, living life, and seeking harmony and in a more life or death way. Much more of a shadow world.

Understanding the inner workings of my characters is very important to the stories and the whole book. Seeking more information I went into my Way of the Heart™ Feng Shui II manual asking to be shown at what level  of awareness my shadow character is living. Right now in this moment he is  living from a Feudal awareness, one of the ego, acting impulsively and power. The colour at this level is Red. Which is perfect for my understanding of this character and his world because it is his impulsive not thinking which may be the cause of his troubles and his blessings.

Feng Shui II offered me a question to ponder: 

Where do you project your courage onto someone else? 

As I breathe into this question and what it might mean for my character I realized, he will need his power to succeed and he will need to understand about courage. Courage within himself and the courage of both worlds coming together to work for balance. He will need to help inhabitants of both worlds come together in partnership, to truly understand about balance and working together. A big feat for a being who right now believes ego power is the only way to accomplish anything.  My character is teaching me about himself.


Who I truly am.

Living into that remembrance.

Owning my Gifts.

What happens in the balance of a world when people don’t realize they bring a Gift to the world?

In a book or story there are only just so many characters and one can see the hole, the place where a character needs to fill the hole with what is needed in the moment.

What if it was like this on our Earth. Many places where a deep need is just waiting for one of us to bring our gifts to that place. For us to remember who we truly are and our reason for being here.

Personally I have been working with remembering who I really am, my gifts and what I have to offer, not a surprise that my character would be walking the same path.

Tonight I did a “Return of the King” – Way of the Heart™ Integration with an intention to help me write my stories from a deeper higher place. To write the stories that are waiting to be told. My action from the integration is to remember who I truly am. Owing my being a writer. Again I am touched by the synchronicity of my life. In J. R.R. Tolkien’s book –  The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King each character is asked to remember who they are – truly are. To own their own courage and to live into their strengths.

Near the end of Return of the King –  Aragorn who ultimately become the king speaks about fear and that how that fear could take his heart away. And that there may come  a day when the courage of all men and women might fail. Then he speaks from his heart – “but not this day.”

What I am wondering about my character and myself is can we say “but not this day”.

“This day I remember who I am and what my heart is calling me to do.

This day I realize the world is waiting for me to bring myself to this moment.”

Aragorn and the free races of Middle Earth are rallying to a great battle. Some of the characters in my book will need to take the same stand, make the same decisions about the big and everyday smaller actions in their lives. Writing their stories makes me realize all the actions we take change worlds.

Thank you for letting me explore the many aspects of being a writer and the characters coming to teach me, show me and have their story told.

“Knock, And He’ll open the door
Vanish, And He’ll make you shine like the sun
Fall, And He’ll raise you to the heavens
Become nothing, And He’ll turn you into everything.”


Hold your ground! Hold your ground!

Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers,

I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.

A day may come when the courage of men fails, 

when we forsake our friends

and break all bonds of fellowship, 

but it is not this day. 

An hour of wolves and shattered shields, 

when the age of men comes crashing down, 

but it is not this day!

This day we fight!!

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, 

I bid you stand, Men of the West!!!

J.R.R Tolkein



Thursday 4 August 2016

Saying Yes

This is the wisdom I am seeking to move into more deeply. 
The universe sending opportunities my way, and me saying yes.
We are so capable of learning, evolving and changing. 
Yes, Universe bring the unknown, the mystery my way 
And I will to the best of my evolving ability 
Meet the moment with curiosity, skill and passion.
Thank you.

Monday 1 August 2016

Exploring Tension in a Story

Today I started to read a book I was eagerly awaiting. After about 5 pages I had to go out. Driving to my appointment I could hear a dialogue going on in my head about how I wanted the story to go, the feelings arising because it did not seem to be going that way. As well as the internal motivation around that. For my friends who have read some of my blogs you might remember me discussing the challenge I have been having around creating an antagonist. Inner and outer. This dialogue has helped reveal some of underlying reasons for this challenge. Thanks JK for creating the opportunity for my exploration.

"Are you going on about that again?"

"What do you mean, going on?"

"Going on about the tension and the nasty bits in a story! You have to have tension, you have to let the characters be unpredictable, get into trouble, do stuff that ticks everyone off."

"Why do I need to do that? Why, can’t I just write about wonderful happy people living a spiritual life, who go through life without problems?"

"Fluffy bunnies and unicorns! That’s what that is. We need the adversity, we need the tension. Tension and adversity makes us dig deeper. You know that, you just want…."

"Never mind fluffy bunnies, you always call it fluffy bunnies. There was so much tension in my life I get tense just thinking I need to write about it and now she starts off the book with tension."

"Oh, so you think it is tension because it questions one’s choices. What if it was just an exploration a way of moving towards different choices'; seeing what we are made of?"

"I know that ! It is the tension I feel as though I don’t know how to write about. Don’t know how to create tension."

"Here is one for you. The fluffy bunny looked both ways, took one hop to cross the road when the alien ship beamed him up and ate him for dinner."

"Very funny. Actually that is quite funny. You see I can deal with that and can even write that. It would the Bunny telling her family she was going to …. Actually it would be the creative, most popular, kind bunny who everyone relied on, telling her family she was going to quit Carrot Cultivation School six months before graduation to hop through the underground rabbit burrows of Cornwall and she may never finish school."

"Yes, good one. If you don’t mind me saying so, seems like you have a thing about disappointing people who rely on you to be something they thought you should be and convinced you as well." 

"You may be correct. The tension for me is the struggle between the longing to do what your heart calls you to and responsibilities. I think it is also about faith and trust. Trusting my heart and the relationship with the unknown."

"Yah! You have such a weird relationship with the unknown. It really is the “both and”, you have a relationship and you also struggle with certain types of unknowns. 
It is the emotional investment!
You want to love the good characters and to be honored for trusting them by that character having a good life and doing good things.
You just don’t like not knowing how it ends!"

"Well, I am better than I used to be, I used to read the last page of a book to see what happens. Oh my did I admit that out loud?"

"Yes, you did! Sorry I will stop Laughing soon. So now what?"

"Well you are helping me see the that tension has its place. Can I stay with it long enough for the tension to create the structure the story needs? Even in this discussion I got away form the tension by listening to you."

"Yes and no. Tension does not have to be excruciating you know! It just has to be tension. In a story there can be long term tension like the tension Severus Snapes created and there can be short term tension like Ron and Hermione in the Goblet of Fire."

"I really want my hero’s to be heroes don’t I!"

"Yes and what is so strange you also want a good story, you want to grow and I know you know tension makes You dig deeper, so your heroes will also need tension for the same reason."

"Hmmm, you are wrong you know!"

"Yah who is being funny now? Quick look your fluffy bunny has a knife and is chasing the unicorn."
"Very funny… OMG she really is!"


Saturday 30 July 2016

The Mystery of Love

I have not really given you much detail about the book I am writing.
I think I will keep details in my heart for a little while longer.
I will tell you the book is about love and life mission.

I just finished doing a “Song of Divine Creation” Way of the Heart™Integration and the music I was taken to within the integration were all love songs.
Sweet melodies that moved my heart and made me want to rest deeply in the softness of their notes. My action from the integration was to write about love.

Synchronicity again.

Love also came up for me this weekend as I experienced with great joy a workshop of Love, Light and ancient wisdom. Feng Shui I  – Reading the Book of Life.
As I moved through the weekend My book and the characters in my book were with me. I watch my teachers do what they loved and realized that Love was a great motivator, and life changer, the one thing we are all willing to make the greatest changes for.

As you know I have been in dialogue with the antagonist in my book. I have begun to have great respect for this character as it is his love of his world that motivates him. His love may for a period of time make him blind to the needs of others – hence the antagonist.

I wondered as I sat in class exploring aspects of myself if it could be his mysteriously falling in love with another that would save him. Help him understand the needs of others.
Love opens us to undiscovered realms within ourselves.

Love is the bridge between you and everything.

The other characters in the book are living there loves doing their life mission, their purpose for being there. One character creates beauty in the clouds,  the other loves the earth and her ability to communicate with stones and rocks allows the world they live on to be in harmony with all the elements. It’s easy to love what we love and what is beautiful.
How do I help these characters understand we do not always have to love what another loves and yet, can there be room for interest, openness and willingness to understand the other?

A writer sits on a cloud of words & ideas.
Grounded in the love of the story.
This is the moment one must write.

As I weave the stories of these two worlds I constantly think about Severus Snapes in Harry Potter. A fascinating unlikable character who constantly seems to be on the wrong side, in the way and downright mean.  Also a complex character who is protected and valued by Dumbledore, the protector of the whole school and friend to our heros. Severus Snapes great motivator, his reason for being and doing was Love, a deep love of a woman that led to his life mission as a protector of Harry. A secret he shared with only one other person, Dumbledore.

I am keep asking myself what do my characters love? 
What are they willing to do for love? 
Do they have secrets they hold deeply in their hearts?
What if it is all about love?
Love that strengthens us.
Love that weakens us, is that still love?

Characters in a book are made richer by what we can relate to, the aspects that make them a mystery, things we like about them and things we just don’t get. So is the one thing we all have in common Love? I love these questions. Did I just use love in another sentence?

When I started writing my book I did not realize how much time I would spend understanding and developing the characters. Is it good for a writer to fall in love with the characters  – oh well – too late – already happened.

Thanks for walking with me.

The Day Sky

Let us be like
Two falling stars in the day sky.
Let no one know of our sublime beauty
As we hold hands with God and burn
Into a sacred existence that defies-
That surpasses
Every description of ecstasy
And love.
Hafiz – Persian Poet


Friday 22 July 2016


I have entered my sanctuary my sacred space. Breathed in my Writer’s prayer and I am ready. Amazing!  I spent time last week working on a prayer and entering practice which is helping me feel as though I  am sitting in a cozy thatched cottage in Cornwall and that I am accompanied by so many helpers sitting in my sanctuary with me.

Time to begin.

This week I have journeyed to the world of my book and sat with a couple of the characters asking them to tell me about themselves and their world. As I sat with the characters who showed up. I kept a few questions in my mind.

Why are you living the life you are living?

What makes you important to this world?

Why would I want to write about you and your part in this world?

This journey was supported by some work I did in my Life Mission II manual which helped me explore the who I would need to become to do what I have come here to do and my Life Mission III manual which helps me live my life sacredly, beautifully and artfully.

These characters and I are on a similar journey. Each one of the characters are seeking to remember what they have come to do, really come to do, and finding within themselves all that is needed to do this. This is the hero’s journey. The hero’s cry: help me remember the higher and deeper reasons of what I need to remember about who I truly am so I may do what I really have come to do.

This has been the theme of my week.

Remember when I talked about following the threads?

So! Keeping the emerging theme in mind. Then I had a conversation with one of my teachers and she spoke about doing the thing in our lives that we have come to do even if we are the only one who understands the deep inner knowing that this is living our life mission.

For the characters in my book this is exactly what they have to do; this living their life mission will be what maintains the balance of this world, keeps this world alive.  Each life on this imaginary world I am creating intersects with all the other lives even if the characters never meet. Each choice will affect the others some way, and will also affect the balance of the world.

All of this went with me as I spent time with a couple of the characters, going inside and meeting them in their imaginary world. What I noticed was more details began to emerge. Beliefs and ways of being important to them, history, secrets that would become essential to reveal, momentary meetings that would become pivotal points in the story all began to emerge from listening and seeing them in the landscape of their world.

Wow: ideas emerged in vivid, beautiful ways.

I also began to notice and expect that each time I did a The Way of the Heart Integration™ I was getting insights, some more details of a character  I have already created or a new character that would need to play some part in this world. I have started drawing boxes around my insights and writing in different coloured ink: INSIGHT.  Being willing to be curious and ask questions  about all aspects of this world is unearthing the details. Even the land/earth has a life mission.  I am beginning to understand  and trust the insights. Even if I do not write that piece of information in the book it will add to the flavour and tapestry of the world through resonance. Through my deeper understanding of this character, world and myself as the writer.

I am being asked to become more a part of this world. To remember who I am and what is important to me. Seeing the developing and unfolding of the lives on my imaginary world is asking me where I need to make different choices. To kindly ask myself where does it seem there are contradictions in my life. The places where what I say I believe and what I am actually manifesting intersect. Creating this world of strange characters is showing me about balance and how I affect my world seen and unseen with my choices.

So the hero’s cry is really my cry, my call to the Universe:

Help me remember the higher and deeper reasons of what I need to remember about who I truly am so I may do what I really have come to do artfully, sacredly and beautifully.

See you all next week.

Thanks for walking with me.


Saturday 16 July 2016

Friendship and Sacred Space

Friendship and Sacred Space

Do you have a friend to talk to about your writing?
I was given a great gift on Sunday talking to someone who has known me for many years.
I shared my ideas for my book and introduced her to some of the characters , their life mission, and their world. What a joy to hear and feel my excitement as I spoke about these characters. It was lovely how excited and supportive she was as we talked. Sharing with my friend allowed this new world I am creating to dance around me in the words I used and the feelings I felt. There was an aliveness in my experience of my characters.

Tonight as I did my The Way of the Heart™ Integration for my intention I could feel the 
closeness of my book .
Having a busy life can sometimes make me feel distanced from my writing.
Integrating each day really is helping me keep the book alive when I am not writing.
Curiously my explorations in my Life Mission III manual this week brought to the pages on play. As I mentioned before I love this manual, it offers me the most creative and brilliant wisdoms.
Writing can be playful if I’m willing to allow a playfulness and to be led by my writing especially when I do not know where it is taking me.
What will my character say next?
What will be revealed to me about this new world I am creating.

When I shared my book with my friend there was a joy and I believe joy and play are related.
I’m beginning to understand that even a seemingly serious character can grow in depth and richness with a playful storytelling approach. I may write more about this later.

I want to thank my friend for her love and “sparkling eyed” listening.
Thank the Integrations and Life Mission III for being part of the journey.
Many friends – Joyful Play

Sacred Space
My writing time is beginning to become more sacred to me.
I set the intention to write and the stories come alive in my writers heart.
This day my intention is to find my sacred space, my writers sanctuary.
I close my eyes and visions of libraries, whistling valleys and quaint thatched cottages float before me.

My sacred space is in the green valley on the coast of Cornwall in England overlooking the Celtic sea.
The land my cottage sits on is green and lush, and the cottage herself warm and inviting.
Deep wooden bookshelves line the walls from floor to ceiling as fire dances golden light off the colour 
of the wood.
This is my place to write. Fountain pens and many bottles of ink invite me.
The centre of the room is filled with a very large antique purple heartwood roll top desk whose many drawers rise up from the desktop, places to store my pens, inks and papers. Windows on each wall offering views of snow-covered mountains, tall trees and the deep blue ocean.

I am home.
From this place I can go anywhere. 
Visit any world real or imagined.
I am home.

I have come to write, to dream and to walk the timelines where books I long to write are already published and the me who lives on these timelines is the author.
These varied timelines are places for me to visit. The authors, my already published self will have amazing suggestions for me to listen to and take action on.
For in this place that which I long to do is already a reality.
The sacred space is set, and my sanctuary a place to travel to each time I write.
I enter my sanctuary with an excited heart and a prayer.

Writer's Prayer
May I be inspired by my longing and intention.
May inspiration be only a breath away.
May my pen be guided by my Divine writer.
May I allow my body, heart, mind and soul speak to me and through me.
May the tapestry and weave of life lead me to beautiful insights 
that inform my writing and creations.
May I always remember who I truly am.
May I say “Thank you”.

These last couple of blogs have been about entering practices, sacred spaces and a prayer.
Important to set the stage.
The kettle boils – time to make a cup of tea and begin.
Once upon a time…..