Sunday 5 June 2016

Following the Threads

What to do when feeling stuck? Stuck might not quite be the right word. I’ve come to realize there is a difference between feeling stuck and actually being stuck.

 Did I get your attention?

Feeling stuck can be more of a judgment, a way to dismiss what my inner writer is actually doing. Feeling stuck dismisses all I am doing when I am not writing.
Being stuck might just be what I do when I don’t sit down to write. Hmmmm ….

As you may remember the antagonist and his world is my big challenge right now.
As you know I have been doing The Way of the Heart™ integrations each day around my intention to write the stories that will become my book. After one of my integrations I wrote the words Trust and Keep Connected. Trust the book is living within me and the integrations are helping me to understand myself more deeply. Trust that the actions coming out of the integrations are leading me in the direction of inspired  moments, of glimpses of the unknown.
 Have you noticed as a artist there is a great deal of unknown in the creative process?

This week two things happened. We had a Life Mission evening and I worked a few nights in my life mission III manual.
The Life mission evening was inspiring because during a moment of working with my intention I heard ” Just write the stories about the characters even if it’s not for the book. Get your inspiration from pictures, movies and good TV”. With that in mind the next night I was watching a TV show called the Rise of the Continents, this particular show was on Australia and when an aboriginal elder spoke about his special gifts, lights in my head went off, this is exactly what I need for my antagonist. I grabbed my notepaper backed up the video and listened to him speak about his gifts with such beauty and grace. The ideas started to come alive; here was a way I could bring my antagonist to life, these gifts would one day help others understand he was not evil, he was desperate.
The next night I decided to use a picture as a visual inspiration and write about it. The picture I was guided to was from my pilgrimage to England in 2014. The picture was of a solitary stone in the Avebury Henge in Wiltshire and is called the Adam stone. Staring at the picture and breathing deeply into my writers heart and mind there emerged a story that will add another piece to my book.
The solitary stone is the antagonist in my book, the stone began to tell a story, one that would give this character, his personality and add to his inner world.  I could not of guessed which picture I would’ve been led to. Studying Life Mission I remember my teachers talking about threads and how if I follow the threads of my life they will lead me where my intention is asking me to go. For me this process says trust what you are noticing and being offered because they’re leading you into the unknown in this moment, which may bring clarity in the next moment.
My intention to create the stories is alive and living in me. What if the events, things I notice, pictures, movies, TV shows, articles I read and music I listen to are all part of the bits of my life informing me and influencing the stories in my book. My teachers would call that Reading the Book of Life. Well, a picture I took almost 2 years ago in a sacred place called Averbury has influence the creation of a story and a character in an evolving book. By reading the book of my life and trusting my intention I have followed the threads to begin the story of an antagonist, who may turn out to be more.

What a journey.

 May the tapestry and weave of your life lead you to beautiful insights 
that inform your writing and creations.
Thanks for following the threads with me.
See you all soon.

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