Saturday 30 July 2016

The Mystery of Love

I have not really given you much detail about the book I am writing.
I think I will keep details in my heart for a little while longer.
I will tell you the book is about love and life mission.

I just finished doing a “Song of Divine Creation” Way of the Heart™Integration and the music I was taken to within the integration were all love songs.
Sweet melodies that moved my heart and made me want to rest deeply in the softness of their notes. My action from the integration was to write about love.

Synchronicity again.

Love also came up for me this weekend as I experienced with great joy a workshop of Love, Light and ancient wisdom. Feng Shui I  – Reading the Book of Life.
As I moved through the weekend My book and the characters in my book were with me. I watch my teachers do what they loved and realized that Love was a great motivator, and life changer, the one thing we are all willing to make the greatest changes for.

As you know I have been in dialogue with the antagonist in my book. I have begun to have great respect for this character as it is his love of his world that motivates him. His love may for a period of time make him blind to the needs of others – hence the antagonist.

I wondered as I sat in class exploring aspects of myself if it could be his mysteriously falling in love with another that would save him. Help him understand the needs of others.
Love opens us to undiscovered realms within ourselves.

Love is the bridge between you and everything.

The other characters in the book are living there loves doing their life mission, their purpose for being there. One character creates beauty in the clouds,  the other loves the earth and her ability to communicate with stones and rocks allows the world they live on to be in harmony with all the elements. It’s easy to love what we love and what is beautiful.
How do I help these characters understand we do not always have to love what another loves and yet, can there be room for interest, openness and willingness to understand the other?

A writer sits on a cloud of words & ideas.
Grounded in the love of the story.
This is the moment one must write.

As I weave the stories of these two worlds I constantly think about Severus Snapes in Harry Potter. A fascinating unlikable character who constantly seems to be on the wrong side, in the way and downright mean.  Also a complex character who is protected and valued by Dumbledore, the protector of the whole school and friend to our heros. Severus Snapes great motivator, his reason for being and doing was Love, a deep love of a woman that led to his life mission as a protector of Harry. A secret he shared with only one other person, Dumbledore.

I am keep asking myself what do my characters love? 
What are they willing to do for love? 
Do they have secrets they hold deeply in their hearts?
What if it is all about love?
Love that strengthens us.
Love that weakens us, is that still love?

Characters in a book are made richer by what we can relate to, the aspects that make them a mystery, things we like about them and things we just don’t get. So is the one thing we all have in common Love? I love these questions. Did I just use love in another sentence?

When I started writing my book I did not realize how much time I would spend understanding and developing the characters. Is it good for a writer to fall in love with the characters  – oh well – too late – already happened.

Thanks for walking with me.

The Day Sky

Let us be like
Two falling stars in the day sky.
Let no one know of our sublime beauty
As we hold hands with God and burn
Into a sacred existence that defies-
That surpasses
Every description of ecstasy
And love.
Hafiz – Persian Poet


Friday 22 July 2016


I have entered my sanctuary my sacred space. Breathed in my Writer’s prayer and I am ready. Amazing!  I spent time last week working on a prayer and entering practice which is helping me feel as though I  am sitting in a cozy thatched cottage in Cornwall and that I am accompanied by so many helpers sitting in my sanctuary with me.

Time to begin.

This week I have journeyed to the world of my book and sat with a couple of the characters asking them to tell me about themselves and their world. As I sat with the characters who showed up. I kept a few questions in my mind.

Why are you living the life you are living?

What makes you important to this world?

Why would I want to write about you and your part in this world?

This journey was supported by some work I did in my Life Mission II manual which helped me explore the who I would need to become to do what I have come here to do and my Life Mission III manual which helps me live my life sacredly, beautifully and artfully.

These characters and I are on a similar journey. Each one of the characters are seeking to remember what they have come to do, really come to do, and finding within themselves all that is needed to do this. This is the hero’s journey. The hero’s cry: help me remember the higher and deeper reasons of what I need to remember about who I truly am so I may do what I really have come to do.

This has been the theme of my week.

Remember when I talked about following the threads?

So! Keeping the emerging theme in mind. Then I had a conversation with one of my teachers and she spoke about doing the thing in our lives that we have come to do even if we are the only one who understands the deep inner knowing that this is living our life mission.

For the characters in my book this is exactly what they have to do; this living their life mission will be what maintains the balance of this world, keeps this world alive.  Each life on this imaginary world I am creating intersects with all the other lives even if the characters never meet. Each choice will affect the others some way, and will also affect the balance of the world.

All of this went with me as I spent time with a couple of the characters, going inside and meeting them in their imaginary world. What I noticed was more details began to emerge. Beliefs and ways of being important to them, history, secrets that would become essential to reveal, momentary meetings that would become pivotal points in the story all began to emerge from listening and seeing them in the landscape of their world.

Wow: ideas emerged in vivid, beautiful ways.

I also began to notice and expect that each time I did a The Way of the Heart Integration™ I was getting insights, some more details of a character  I have already created or a new character that would need to play some part in this world. I have started drawing boxes around my insights and writing in different coloured ink: INSIGHT.  Being willing to be curious and ask questions  about all aspects of this world is unearthing the details. Even the land/earth has a life mission.  I am beginning to understand  and trust the insights. Even if I do not write that piece of information in the book it will add to the flavour and tapestry of the world through resonance. Through my deeper understanding of this character, world and myself as the writer.

I am being asked to become more a part of this world. To remember who I am and what is important to me. Seeing the developing and unfolding of the lives on my imaginary world is asking me where I need to make different choices. To kindly ask myself where does it seem there are contradictions in my life. The places where what I say I believe and what I am actually manifesting intersect. Creating this world of strange characters is showing me about balance and how I affect my world seen and unseen with my choices.

So the hero’s cry is really my cry, my call to the Universe:

Help me remember the higher and deeper reasons of what I need to remember about who I truly am so I may do what I really have come to do artfully, sacredly and beautifully.

See you all next week.

Thanks for walking with me.


Saturday 16 July 2016

Friendship and Sacred Space

Friendship and Sacred Space

Do you have a friend to talk to about your writing?
I was given a great gift on Sunday talking to someone who has known me for many years.
I shared my ideas for my book and introduced her to some of the characters , their life mission, and their world. What a joy to hear and feel my excitement as I spoke about these characters. It was lovely how excited and supportive she was as we talked. Sharing with my friend allowed this new world I am creating to dance around me in the words I used and the feelings I felt. There was an aliveness in my experience of my characters.

Tonight as I did my The Way of the Heart™ Integration for my intention I could feel the 
closeness of my book .
Having a busy life can sometimes make me feel distanced from my writing.
Integrating each day really is helping me keep the book alive when I am not writing.
Curiously my explorations in my Life Mission III manual this week brought to the pages on play. As I mentioned before I love this manual, it offers me the most creative and brilliant wisdoms.
Writing can be playful if I’m willing to allow a playfulness and to be led by my writing especially when I do not know where it is taking me.
What will my character say next?
What will be revealed to me about this new world I am creating.

When I shared my book with my friend there was a joy and I believe joy and play are related.
I’m beginning to understand that even a seemingly serious character can grow in depth and richness with a playful storytelling approach. I may write more about this later.

I want to thank my friend for her love and “sparkling eyed” listening.
Thank the Integrations and Life Mission III for being part of the journey.
Many friends – Joyful Play

Sacred Space
My writing time is beginning to become more sacred to me.
I set the intention to write and the stories come alive in my writers heart.
This day my intention is to find my sacred space, my writers sanctuary.
I close my eyes and visions of libraries, whistling valleys and quaint thatched cottages float before me.

My sacred space is in the green valley on the coast of Cornwall in England overlooking the Celtic sea.
The land my cottage sits on is green and lush, and the cottage herself warm and inviting.
Deep wooden bookshelves line the walls from floor to ceiling as fire dances golden light off the colour 
of the wood.
This is my place to write. Fountain pens and many bottles of ink invite me.
The centre of the room is filled with a very large antique purple heartwood roll top desk whose many drawers rise up from the desktop, places to store my pens, inks and papers. Windows on each wall offering views of snow-covered mountains, tall trees and the deep blue ocean.

I am home.
From this place I can go anywhere. 
Visit any world real or imagined.
I am home.

I have come to write, to dream and to walk the timelines where books I long to write are already published and the me who lives on these timelines is the author.
These varied timelines are places for me to visit. The authors, my already published self will have amazing suggestions for me to listen to and take action on.
For in this place that which I long to do is already a reality.
The sacred space is set, and my sanctuary a place to travel to each time I write.
I enter my sanctuary with an excited heart and a prayer.

Writer's Prayer
May I be inspired by my longing and intention.
May inspiration be only a breath away.
May my pen be guided by my Divine writer.
May I allow my body, heart, mind and soul speak to me and through me.
May the tapestry and weave of life lead me to beautiful insights 
that inform my writing and creations.
May I always remember who I truly am.
May I say “Thank you”.

These last couple of blogs have been about entering practices, sacred spaces and a prayer.
Important to set the stage.
The kettle boils – time to make a cup of tea and begin.
Once upon a time…..


Friday 8 July 2016

Standing in Life

Standing in Life
By Diane Auld © 2016

Hypnotherapy offers our clients healing on many different levels. I do not know what healing will mean for my clients. I do know it often does not look the way I think it will. In my work with clients I create a session based on our work together and the longings in their heart. The magic of hypnotherapy is it can engage the emotions and senses. The story below may offer a client a feeling of freedom and allow their imagination to soar in the words and space created in the story. A story that speaks to hope and possibility done at the right time can be a balm for an aching heart. The client I created this story was living with MS and in the telling of the story in trance she experienced a moment of ease because her heart was ready to be carried away by the story. These types of stories really do have their own timing. This story includes many of the changes my client was working on and many of her words.

I have offered it with the spaces I might use to give the unconscious mind pauses and time to 
integrate in it's own unique way the offerings in the words of the story.
I have come to realize I need to give the unconscious moments of silence, pauses
And in it's brilliance it will use that space in exactly the way my client needs it. 

Have you ever watched a colt stand ? Moments after it is born the colt stands. It takes a great deal of concentration and focus for the little colt to stand on her wobbly legs.

As I watched she gathered her energy and focused ..... Focused her energy ...... Focused it on standing ……. Colts are so wobbly at first…….. but I could tell as I watched her she knew .... Somewhere deep inside she just knew...... Just knew she could do it ….. Could just stand and walk …… stand and walk …..  

she knew if she focused all her energy ...... Gathered all the energy from within ..... Within a place deep inside ... A place her unconscious mind knew how to tap into .... she could do it …. And it was in the trying that she could be ….. would be …… stronger…… she was learning to trust ...... Trust if she focused gently ...... focus all her limitless energy into her muscles ……into each and every nerve in her legs and hips….. and saw herself ..... Saw the clearest picture of herself ..... standing…..standing strong ……. Strong …… and moving with ease …….

It was amazing to watch ……the little colt actually saw herself getting stronger ……saw herself able to move beyond her wobbly legs…… able to see herself strong and agile …… she could feel the energy flow down her legs…… feel the energy flow down her legs… and she loved the feeling ….. 

It took practice though …….each time she attempted to stand up she visualized the energy flowing down into her legs ……. All the energy she needed flowing to her legs ……. All the energy she needed flowing into her legs …… her the strength she needed ……. 

Relieving her pain …….. and fatigue ……….and she knew deep within …… knew deep within her that each day it would get easier and easier …….. seeing the energy flow to her and through her legs …… gradually standing ……. Stronger ….. stronger ……feeling such a sense of freedom …… such a sense of freedom …..this energy allowed her whole body to move and flow freely …… She felt this amazing energy in every cell of her body …… and she knew she could let go …….. and just be herself …….

Just be herself ……. Find a joy in defining who she was ……. Free at last …… free at last ……. Limitless ……. Perfect exactly as she was ……. Making her own decisions ……. Becoming her own individual person ……. Free at last …….. and deep within herself she knew she would always be able to find the strong …… courageous……. Healthy ……… independent part of herself ……. Finally free ……. 

Finally able to express her desires and wishes …… and she wanted to run ……. Run with the wind in her hair ……. And in the running her fears seemed to fall away ……. As a sense of joy and happiness filled her body …… she knew she could be all she wanted to be ……. All she wanted to be ....

Because she believed in herself …….. believed in living the life she wanted …….. leaving the confined space of her previous existence behind and moving fluidly through her life ……. Letting go and allowing the old to move through her …….. flow out of her body …… release her from the old patterns ……. Time to create new ..... New ways of being and seeing herself and her life ……. New ways .......


Monday 4 July 2016

Following the Threads

What to do when feeling stuck? Stuck might not quite be the right word. I’ve come to realize there is a difference between feeling stuck and actually being stuck.

 Did I get your attention?

Feeling stuck can be more of a judgment, a way to dismiss what my inner writer is actually doing. Feeling stuck dismisses all I am doing when I am not writing.

Being stuck might just be what I do when I don’t sit down to write. Hmmmm ….

 Writing about the antagonist and his world has been one of my big challenges.

As you know I have been doing The Way of the Heart™ integrations each day around my intention to write the stories that will become my book. After one of my integrations I wrote the words Trust and Keep Connected. Trust the book is living within me and the integrations are helping me to understand myself more deeply. Trust that the actions coming out of the integrations are leading me in the direction of inspired  moments, of glimpses of the unknown.

 Have you noticed as a artist there is a great deal of unknown in the creative process?

This week two things happened. We had a Life Mission evening and I worked a few nights in my Life Mission III manual.

The Life mission evening was inspiring because during a moment of working with my intention I heard ” Just write the stories about the characters even if it’s not for the book. Get your inspiration from pictures, movies and good TV”. With that in mind the next night I was watching a TV show called the Rise of the Continents, this particular show was on Australia and when an aboriginal elder spoke about his special gifts, lights in my head went off, this is exactly what I need for my antagonist. I grabbed my notepaper backed up the video and listened to him speak about his gifts with such beauty and grace. The ideas started to come alive; here was a way I could bring my antagonist to life, these gifts would one day help others understand he was not evil, he was desperate.

The next night I decided to use a picture as a visual inspiration and write about it. The picture I was guided to was from my pilgrimage to England in 2014. The picture was of a solitary stone in the Avebury Henge in Wiltshire and is called the Adam stone. Staring at the picture and breathing deeply into my writers heart and mind there emerged a story that will add another piece to my book.

The solitary stone is the antagonist in my book, the stone began to tell a story, one that would give this character, his personality and add to his inner world.  I could not of guessed which picture I would’ve been led to. My Life Mission teachers Daniel and Kimberly talk about threads and how if I follow the threads of my life  they will lead me where my intention is asking me to go. For me this process says trust what you are noticing and being offered because they’re leading you into the unknown in this moment, which may bring clarity in the next moment.

My intention to create the stories is alive and living in me. What if the events, things I notice, pictures, movies, TV shows, articles I read and music I listen to are all part of the bits of my life informing me and influencing the stories in my book. My teachers would call that Reading the Book of Life. Well, a picture I took almost 2 years ago in a sacred place called Averbury has influence the creation of a story and a character in an evolving book. By reading the book of my life and trusting my intention I have followed the threads to begin the story of an antagonist, who may turn out to be more.

What a journey.

 May the tapestry and weave of your life lead you to beautiful insights that

inform your writing and creations.

Thanks for following the threads with me.