Saturday 31 May 2014

Mystical Tour

Joy and mystery and magic. Two days ago I started the tour. A Women's Journey to Avalon. Wonderful times. The two most profund experiences have been the Lady Chapel section of the ruins at old Sarum. If you do not know what Old Sarum is (I didn't) do an image search it is amazing. The most sacred part is the cathedral ruins. I received a healing on the grass from our wonderful tour guide Cameron and just being in this place I felt the energy and the mystery. The single stone in the ruins below is where we could feel the energy the most. 
Since coming to this land of beauty, deep green fields and faery magic I am feeling the earth energy.
There are so many sacred places in England and they are alive with earth energy, the energy of the earth goddess, I am truly loving it.

The next day we walked inside Stonehenge. My excitement took on a strange calm as we neared the new entrance to Stonehenge. Very different, we were driven from the new visitors centre to the Henge. 
It is so different walking inside those majestic stones, my body could feel the closeness and I needed a few minutes to ground my energies to be able to step inside the circle. Luckily we took the time to sit near the heel stone in sacred circle. The four of us on the tour connecting with the land and our reason for being here. It was so wonderful to honour earth, air, fire and water in sacred circle. I love our group and how we bring a balanced wholeness to every place we visit. Now it was time to enter Stonehenge, excitement building. We cannot touch the stones and I am okay with that. Being so close I did not need to touch them they were touching me. 
Each time I go to Stonehenge I experience the energies differently. Did you know there is as much stone deep in the earth as you see coming out of the earth? The words I used to describe it was male majesty, Stonehenge grounds and holds the energy for this area of Salisbury. It is a conduit, and grounding rod. These are my feelings not science.
I experience it as being truly majestic. The stones speak to my heart, a personal friend. When we drove by Stonehenge a few days later I looked at it in the distance and new walking around it would just never do, I have touched and been touched by these stones just by being in their presence and loving them. To walk around them would be like being around Don and not being able to touch him.

STONEHENGE ROCKS - okay the little kid who was wanting to run around and hug each stone needed to say that for she was very well behaved and did not touch one stone inside the henge.
That is all for now - more to come later. 

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