Monday 19 May 2014

Does this path have heart?

Does this path have heart?

Less than a week and I will be traveling to the next phase of my pilgrimage. I have been asking myself how will remember why I am doing this? How will I support myself when I start to miss the ones I love at home? Over the past 6 months I have begun to create a book. My pilgrimage book. Filled with pictures to inspire me and images of wondrous beings who will walk with me. 
Since starting my book, poems, inspirations, quotes and pictures have come my way from Spirit and people who feel inspired to send me something. I am so grateful. These generous offerings have become a part of my book. I will check it each morning to see what is being offered to me today.
Maybe something to consciously carry into my day.
Something to keep in mind as I travel, take pictures and or sit and contemplate my surroundings.

 As the time to begin this phase comes closer my intuiton has offered me many internal images of England, helping me to see how I might do and be on this pilgrimage. Walking softly in relationship with my surroundings, being in a deeper relationship with that which I can see and that which is behind that which appears. Remembering to breathe in the architecture, plants and flowers, people and landscape. Opening my heart and being opened with each moment. 

My last visit to England took me to Stonehenge. Not my first time. Yet, I was as excited as if it were. As I walked around this sacred space I took pictures for families so they could all be together, spoke with a few people and walked the land around the stones. When we left for home I realized that I felt as though I had been there all by myself. Just me, the stones and the land. It was the land that spoke to me as much as the stones. The feeling was powerful and wondrous. All by myself. I just realized that I can walk in two timelines at the same time. Listen to what the places I visit have to offer me, be in relationship with both the seen and the unseen. Listen for the call my pilgrimage is calling me to hear in this moment. 
Does this path have heart? May this question from my Life Mission III manual begin to live in me. And I have to say yes because there have been so many supportive hearts helping me to really take this journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And my heart is moving me forward into the unknown  - thank you. My heart is open to the mystery - thank you. Stay tuned. May the unfoldment unfold with ease and grace. 

Love Diane     

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