Saturday 16 July 2016

Friendship and Sacred Space

Friendship and Sacred Space

Do you have a friend to talk to about your writing?
I was given a great gift on Sunday talking to someone who has known me for many years.
I shared my ideas for my book and introduced her to some of the characters , their life mission, and their world. What a joy to hear and feel my excitement as I spoke about these characters. It was lovely how excited and supportive she was as we talked. Sharing with my friend allowed this new world I am creating to dance around me in the words I used and the feelings I felt. There was an aliveness in my experience of my characters.

Tonight as I did my The Way of the Heart™ Integration for my intention I could feel the 
closeness of my book .
Having a busy life can sometimes make me feel distanced from my writing.
Integrating each day really is helping me keep the book alive when I am not writing.
Curiously my explorations in my Life Mission III manual this week brought to the pages on play. As I mentioned before I love this manual, it offers me the most creative and brilliant wisdoms.
Writing can be playful if I’m willing to allow a playfulness and to be led by my writing especially when I do not know where it is taking me.
What will my character say next?
What will be revealed to me about this new world I am creating.

When I shared my book with my friend there was a joy and I believe joy and play are related.
I’m beginning to understand that even a seemingly serious character can grow in depth and richness with a playful storytelling approach. I may write more about this later.

I want to thank my friend for her love and “sparkling eyed” listening.
Thank the Integrations and Life Mission III for being part of the journey.
Many friends – Joyful Play

Sacred Space
My writing time is beginning to become more sacred to me.
I set the intention to write and the stories come alive in my writers heart.
This day my intention is to find my sacred space, my writers sanctuary.
I close my eyes and visions of libraries, whistling valleys and quaint thatched cottages float before me.

My sacred space is in the green valley on the coast of Cornwall in England overlooking the Celtic sea.
The land my cottage sits on is green and lush, and the cottage herself warm and inviting.
Deep wooden bookshelves line the walls from floor to ceiling as fire dances golden light off the colour 
of the wood.
This is my place to write. Fountain pens and many bottles of ink invite me.
The centre of the room is filled with a very large antique purple heartwood roll top desk whose many drawers rise up from the desktop, places to store my pens, inks and papers. Windows on each wall offering views of snow-covered mountains, tall trees and the deep blue ocean.

I am home.
From this place I can go anywhere. 
Visit any world real or imagined.
I am home.

I have come to write, to dream and to walk the timelines where books I long to write are already published and the me who lives on these timelines is the author.
These varied timelines are places for me to visit. The authors, my already published self will have amazing suggestions for me to listen to and take action on.
For in this place that which I long to do is already a reality.
The sacred space is set, and my sanctuary a place to travel to each time I write.
I enter my sanctuary with an excited heart and a prayer.

Writer's Prayer
May I be inspired by my longing and intention.
May inspiration be only a breath away.
May my pen be guided by my Divine writer.
May I allow my body, heart, mind and soul speak to me and through me.
May the tapestry and weave of life lead me to beautiful insights 
that inform my writing and creations.
May I always remember who I truly am.
May I say “Thank you”.

These last couple of blogs have been about entering practices, sacred spaces and a prayer.
Important to set the stage.
The kettle boils – time to make a cup of tea and begin.
Once upon a time…..


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