Friday 8 July 2016

Standing in Life

Standing in Life
By Diane Auld © 2016

Hypnotherapy offers our clients healing on many different levels. I do not know what healing will mean for my clients. I do know it often does not look the way I think it will. In my work with clients I create a session based on our work together and the longings in their heart. The magic of hypnotherapy is it can engage the emotions and senses. The story below may offer a client a feeling of freedom and allow their imagination to soar in the words and space created in the story. A story that speaks to hope and possibility done at the right time can be a balm for an aching heart. The client I created this story was living with MS and in the telling of the story in trance she experienced a moment of ease because her heart was ready to be carried away by the story. These types of stories really do have their own timing. This story includes many of the changes my client was working on and many of her words.

I have offered it with the spaces I might use to give the unconscious mind pauses and time to 
integrate in it's own unique way the offerings in the words of the story.
I have come to realize I need to give the unconscious moments of silence, pauses
And in it's brilliance it will use that space in exactly the way my client needs it. 

Have you ever watched a colt stand ? Moments after it is born the colt stands. It takes a great deal of concentration and focus for the little colt to stand on her wobbly legs.

As I watched she gathered her energy and focused ..... Focused her energy ...... Focused it on standing ……. Colts are so wobbly at first…….. but I could tell as I watched her she knew .... Somewhere deep inside she just knew...... Just knew she could do it ….. Could just stand and walk …… stand and walk …..  

she knew if she focused all her energy ...... Gathered all the energy from within ..... Within a place deep inside ... A place her unconscious mind knew how to tap into .... she could do it …. And it was in the trying that she could be ….. would be …… stronger…… she was learning to trust ...... Trust if she focused gently ...... focus all her limitless energy into her muscles ……into each and every nerve in her legs and hips….. and saw herself ..... Saw the clearest picture of herself ..... standing…..standing strong ……. Strong …… and moving with ease …….

It was amazing to watch ……the little colt actually saw herself getting stronger ……saw herself able to move beyond her wobbly legs…… able to see herself strong and agile …… she could feel the energy flow down her legs…… feel the energy flow down her legs… and she loved the feeling ….. 

It took practice though …….each time she attempted to stand up she visualized the energy flowing down into her legs ……. All the energy she needed flowing to her legs ……. All the energy she needed flowing into her legs …… her the strength she needed ……. 

Relieving her pain …….. and fatigue ……….and she knew deep within …… knew deep within her that each day it would get easier and easier …….. seeing the energy flow to her and through her legs …… gradually standing ……. Stronger ….. stronger ……feeling such a sense of freedom …… such a sense of freedom …..this energy allowed her whole body to move and flow freely …… She felt this amazing energy in every cell of her body …… and she knew she could let go …….. and just be herself …….

Just be herself ……. Find a joy in defining who she was ……. Free at last …… free at last ……. Limitless ……. Perfect exactly as she was ……. Making her own decisions ……. Becoming her own individual person ……. Free at last …….. and deep within herself she knew she would always be able to find the strong …… courageous……. Healthy ……… independent part of herself ……. Finally free ……. 

Finally able to express her desires and wishes …… and she wanted to run ……. Run with the wind in her hair ……. And in the running her fears seemed to fall away ……. As a sense of joy and happiness filled her body …… she knew she could be all she wanted to be ……. All she wanted to be ....

Because she believed in herself …….. believed in living the life she wanted …….. leaving the confined space of her previous existence behind and moving fluidly through her life ……. Letting go and allowing the old to move through her …….. flow out of her body …… release her from the old patterns ……. Time to create new ..... New ways of being and seeing herself and her life ……. New ways .......


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