Tuesday 21 June 2016

Learning and Sharing

Sharing the Hypnotherapy Journey

This weekend was our counselling hypnotherapy class. A group of dedicated people coming together to learn, share, explore, try out and inspire each other. My favourite mode of expression is through stories and metaphors. There are so many creative ways to work with hypnotherapy and although I love many of them stories make make my heart sing.

I am teaching Counselling hypnotherapy and that of course means counselling. So this weekend we really explored Counselling; creating a space for the client to move at their own speed, to find safety within themselves and the therapeutic relationship to open just a little wider, just a little deeper. We explored ways to stay with the client, not moving too far ahead so we loose rappore . Staying in the moment without an agenda, expectation and of course judgement.

Is truly is an honour to be called the teacher because I am learning as well. I am learning to speak and share about a process that is unique with each client. I am learning to speak about the subtle nuances knowing it will make more sense as each of the students sits with a client and experiences the realization they will need to listen more deeply, notice the subtle cues, hear what the client is telling them even when the client cannot tell them, cannot say. 

I love to watch the light switch on when a student get it, experiences what I stumble sometimes to explain. Each person is unique and my challenge is to support each students uniqueness and how they will be a counselling hypnotherapist. Not my way, their own unique way. So they are kind when I endeavoured to explain, talk about and share the foundational aspects of counselling, the aspects they need to know and will still take and do uniquely their own way. 

This weekend we explored working with a client who could not talk about what had brought her to Counselling, could not share. Safety was needed for this client on so many levels before she could trust. We talked about how to create the safety directly and indirectly. What it might be like working with this imaginary yet real person. What would I as the counsellor need to be aware of, need to hold within myself to work with, honour and walk closely beside this client. It was amazing discussion.

Then we created a hypnosis session for this client. Each of us wrote something about how we would approach a first session, a hypnotherapy session.

This is where my heart was deeply touched this weekend. I know that I cannot create a hypnotherapy session for clients unless I have deeply listen to what my client needs and is asking for. The more I know about my client te easier it will be to create something on the spot, spontaneously. Well I have to say this weekend I hung out with poets who deeply listened. Each one of us created a unique piece and it was caring, supportive, therapeutic and spoke indirectly enough for this client to possibly feel safe enough to hear and allow her unconscious to support her while her conscious mind took a little vacation. 
I wish I had marked down some of the language.
I am writing about the weekend because it was rich, challenging, joyful and I felt we all came together passionately dedicated to learn and experience

What an honour.

This is what I wrote for this client I hope you enjoy it.

Many years ago a legend was told of a place .... A place deep in the forest..... A sanctuary of safety....... One that sent out an invitation to those who needed ...... Needed that which was offered in the sanctuary...... In this place.....  Some people need to know they were safe and that it was safe to be in control of their life ..... That the choices they made in their life was there right to make .... Right to make until they chose to make another choice ....To know that the right to choose .....Their right to choose was their birthright ...... This sanctuary offered a refuge ....A place to sit.... To sit ..... And when one sat in the sanctuary in this place within..... Within the sanctuary in the forest ....In the circle of the trees they could sit and find a power..... A power and strength within...... Breathing the gift of the trees....Of the ancient strength .....the patience of these old friends..... breathing and connecting to mother Earth and her solid gift of knowing herself .....She really did know herself .... And offered it to anyone who rested there..... Breathing in deeply .......Breathing it into the place where it lived in her being.

Picture copywrite Diane Auld 2014

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